Satellite view of Bombay Schoal in the South China Sea. It is a part of the Spratly Islands. The Spratly Islands consist of about 200 islands, shoals, and reefs and cover some 65,637 square miles of ocean in the South China Sea, and have a total land area of approximately 4 square miles. Bombay Shoal is located at 9 degrees, 26 minutes North / 116 degrees, 55 minutes East.
(Image and Information Courtesy of Dave Deweese, ET1(SS), Menhaden, 1969-71, who found it on the Internet)
USS Darter in 1944
USS Darter in 1946
(Official U.S. Navy Photographs)
USS Darter in 1952
Another view of the USS Darter in 1952
Crew members of the USS Perch (APSS-313) paddling to the USS Darter, summer of 1965
USS Perch crew members exploring the remains of the USS Darter, summer of 1965
(Images Courtesy of Larry Reuter, EN2(SS), USS Perch (APSS-313), 1964-66)
USS Darter in June of 1998
USS Darter in 1998
USS Darter in 1998
(Copyrighted Color Photos Courtesy of Dave Sangerhausen, Freelance Writer, who sent a dive boat crew to the Darter in the summer of 1998; Images of the photos Courtesy of Lori Mansfield, wife of John Mansfield, Jr., RM2(SS), Menhaden, 1963-65)